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z replica parts

Posted: December 3rd, 2012, 11:03 pm
by chillierwillier
Jonn at OBUPS still around? Z replica parts still available?

Posted: December 31st, 2012, 3:26 am
by JonnO
Yep...still around. Just so busy I don't get to visit this forum very often. Hoping to change that.

I had a fiberglass shop rebuild my mold for the Z hood and belly pan and it took two years to find him after he went out of business. I got my molds, but there are a few blems in the hood mold. I found a second shop, but there were problems there too. I'm now trying to get the mold rebuilt again by a third shop and hopefully I get them back soon.

Send me an email if you want me to notify you when the mold is done and hoods are coming in.
