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Olson bros site

Posted: October 10th, 2012, 10:21 pm
by snoeproe
The page is not loading for me.
Is John using a new page under a new name or getting out of it all together?

Posted: October 11th, 2012, 10:58 pm
by snoeproe
Page is loading today...strange

Posted: December 12th, 2012, 3:13 pm
by Wankel 1

Olson Brothers Dist

Posted: January 6th, 2013, 11:57 pm
by JonnO

I certainly am still engaged in this business, more now than ever. We’ve achieved almost a 400% increase in sales volume this year over last. A company doesn’t achieve that kind of increase by ‘getting out of it’, ‘losing interest’ or having unsatisfied customers. In fact, I receive many emails each week from my customers thanking me for technical information, quick service, fast response, quality products, etc. We’ve also bought out one of our competitor’s business and have now expanded our clothing line from just FXR and Slednecks to also include Castle X, One Industries, and several more and we will be merging our two websites together this spring. I wouldn’t confuse major business growth and being very busy with “losing interest”.

I’m also not sure why anyone would want to volunteer such a negative comment that isn’t warranted without knowing me or what we are really doing. I work very hard to exceed all my customers’ expectations. I receive over 120 calls per day and admit it’s very overwhelming to keep up, but I do the absolute best I can. I don’t turn anyone away, even if it’s to answer a tech question that won’t make me a penny. I support 38 race clubs across the US, CA and Alaska not to mention sales in Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia. In order to provide products quick enough to meet racer’s demands it requires me to maintain a bare minimum of $80,000 of ‘in-stock’ parts for just Kitty Cats and 120s. Please also keep in mind that I’m the only major supplier that supports both Kitty Cats and 120s, and both engines and chassis. I work extremely hard and long hours during the winter to keep my customers satisfied and it’s not uncommon to find me up at 4am or later filling orders. I fill orders that come in over the weekend so that I can ensure they ship first thing in the morning without interrupting my ability to answer phone calls on Monday. I hope you’d agree that this is good customer service.

A company’s reputation is very important in this industry and it’s very sad to read an opinionated allegation on a public forum. I fill on-line orders within 24 hours when I have all the products in stock and if I don’t have all the products available, I notify the customer via email and if some of the products are needed quickly I usually ship the products I do have in stock and then ship the others at MY COST when they come in. A customer always has the choice of a refund if they didn’t want to wait allegedly ‘six months’ for their products. Therefore, it doesn’t make much sense that anyone would wait for six months for something they didn’t agree to wait for, so clearly it was this customer’s choice to wait. Instead of attacking someone’s business and reputation on a public forum, let’s try being nice. If you have a problem with me, please address it with me in private.

651-395-2296: Office
651-485-3771: Text Only

Sorry Jonn

Posted: January 9th, 2013, 12:04 pm
by Wankel 1
Glad others have had better luck then I have. Take Care.

Posted: January 9th, 2013, 4:53 pm
by 1121racinkitty
Dont let it bother you John! theres always a negative bedwetter in every crowd. in my years of dealing with you i have never had a problem!!! Always stand up to your words and come through in a more than reasonable time frame as promised at the best possible prices avaliable to public. Maybe some people should take up knitting or something that they can get supplies from Walmart!!!