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Right tie rod question???

Posted: September 12th, 2011, 7:58 pm
by AK737
Can you replace the u shaped right tie rod from a 1977 Kitty Cat with a straight tie rod? Thanks

Posted: September 13th, 2011, 3:52 pm
by 72
I know what you want to do, that rod with the curves always seem to get bent. You have a couple options.... If you check out the 1972 front frame section and compare it to the later ones (microfiche) you will see that they have a slot cut for a straight rod to go through. You could try to reproduce this slot in some way but you might have to use a lower profile rod end ( like the kind that through bolts rather than the ones with the stud as part of the end). Another option would be to get a later set of bars with the higher mount for the rod to clear the frame. Another option if you dont want to change bars is to try different combinations of rod ends and washers or spacers (both ends of rod) to clear the frame section with or without a little grinding and cutting of the frame or modify/raise the bar rod mount point on your existing bars so the rod clears. Im sure there may be some other options I missed or a combination, but you get the idea.

Posted: September 14th, 2011, 1:42 am
by AK737
So the bulkheads are the same, but the mounting point on the handlebar post is different? If that's the case, it's seems new handlebars are the easiest fix??

Posted: September 14th, 2011, 9:59 am
by 72
The pocket on the bottom of the bulkhead that the bars drop into is about 3/4" higher on the newer sleds and the bars are shorter because of that (I just verified this). So newer bars in an older bulkhead would seem to require extending the bottom of the newer bars post or extending the pocket. Sorry for the confusion. I can get you more precise measurements if you need them.
One way I can think of to extend newer bars is to take some round stock the OD of the bar post (or ID of the pocket for a tighter fit) and turn down the end so it can be pressed into the end of the bar post.

Posted: September 14th, 2011, 10:06 pm
by AK737
Thanks for the info. I will have to see what happens when I get putting this thing together. I will keep you posted.