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'72 Kitty Cat won't run

Posted: February 9th, 2008, 10:29 pm
by oliveoyl
I got this kitty cat, (that has a Kawasaki engine and a Kikaki carb), from a friend that said it as a faulty magneto and it runs fine with a 6 volt flashlight battery. Does that sound right? I took the carb off, dissassembled it and cleaned it. Every passage and jet is clear and looks good. In the center of the thoat of the carb is the main nozzle. It only has holes on one side. Do the holes face into the engine or out? :oops: I would have said towards the engine but the jets aim out. Could someone tell me how this carb works and maybe I can :idea: figure out what is wrong. Why does no one seem to like the Kikaki carb? Also what is the float level suppose to be in this carb, and if it needs adjustment do I just bend the float arms to adjust. Any advice will be greatly appreciated by me and my 5yr old great :D nephew.

Posted: February 10th, 2008, 12:45 pm
by t-dub13
I don't know much about the carb, but if your ignition is messed try looking for "BLASTER" on this forum. He's got CDI ignition that will bolt right in (I think). Just think NO MORE BREAKER POINTS! :)